Composite Construction in a Structural Steel Design

composite beam design example
It is a common sight to see buildings and bridges consist of a common concrete slab assisted by steel beams. If the steel beams are attached to the concrete slab in a position that the two act as a single unit, the beam is referred to as a composite beam. Composite beam design examples can be compared to concrete T-beams where the T-beam are made of concrete slab.
Here, the T-beam is made up of steel. Composite beam comes with the advantage that the slab concrete takes most of the compression, whereas, the steel beam consumes the tension in the complete system.

Composite Construction
A steel beam made of composite metal decking and concrete is much robust than the base beam alone. A composite floor set is rated by many experts as the highest quality of construction. This has been accepted as a standard of construction by many major architects as well as developers.

The Advantages
  • Structural steel frame weight can be decreased which may bring down foundation costs
  • Shallower beams can be utilized to reduce height of the building
  • Significant reduction in structural steel frame cost
  • Increased span lengths
  • More stiff floors

With regards to the structure size and the alignment of erection and decking, it may be possible to install the shear studs as erection begins. A majority of the shear connectors in position might be possible when the structural steel is getting raised in another area of the building.

Keep these points in mind and make sure that the construction complies with various safety norms by taking help of a structural design software.


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